Chloris (Descemet) (HI,S)
Charles de Mills (HI,S)
Henri Foucquier (HI,S)
Great Maiden´s Blush (HI,S)
Georges Vibert (HI,S)
Erlkönig (HI,S)
Erinnerung an Brod (HI,S)
Empress Josephine (HI,S)
Duchesse de Montebello (HI,S)
Duchesse de Brabant (HI,S)
Duc de Guiche (HI,S)
Cramoisi Picoté (HI,S)
Complicata (HI,S)
Celsiana (HI,S)
Caroline Bank (HI,S)
Candeur Lyonnnaise (HI,S)
Bourbon Queen (Dolní Bezděkov) (HI,S)
Bourbon Queen (HI,S)
Boule de Niege (HI,S)
Belle Isis (HI,S)
Belle de Crécy (HI,S)
Beauty of the Prairies (HI,S)
Baronne Prévost (HI,S)
Baroness Rothschild (HI,S)
Alpenfee (HI,S)
Alain Blanchard (HI,S)
Aimable Amie (HI,S)
Aennchen von Tharau (HI,S)
Mme. Alfred Carriere (HI,PN,S)
Geisha (Geschwind) (HI,PN,S)
Baltimore Belle (HI,PN,S)
Zéphirine Drouhin (HI,PN)
Reve d´Or (Vídeň zásobní) (HI,PN)
Reve d´Or (Linz) (HI,PN)
Paul´s Himalayan Musk (HI,PN)
Oscar Chauvry (HI,PN)
Nymphe Tepla (HI,PN)
Nymphe Egeria (HI,PN)
Mme. Isaac Pereire (HI,PN)
Mme. Achille Fould (HI,PN)
May Queen (HI,PN)
Madame Sancy de Parabere (HI,PN)
Lady Gay (Chotobus) (HI,PN)
Gruss an Friedberg (HI,PN)
Forstmeister Heim (HI,PN)
Emilie Dupuy (HI,PN)
Climbing Hermosa (HI,PN)
Bennett´s Seedling (HI,PN)
Ayrshire Queen (HI,PN)
Alister Stella Gray (HI,PN)
Cécile Brünner (HI,PH)
White Pet (HI,MI,PL)
Armide (HI,FL)
Eugene E. Marlitt (HI,ČH,S)
Lady Mary Fitzwilliam (HI,ČH)
Lady Hillingdon (HI,ČH)
Käthe von Saalfeld (HI,ČH)
Gruss an Teplitz (HI,ČH)
Comte de Chambord (HI,ČH)
Small Double White (HI,B)