Světlana (Mičurin) (S)
Štruncova Cironová* (S)
The Mayflower (S)
The Pilgrim (S)
Tourbillon (S)
Tradescant (S)
Trevor Griffiths (S)
Tündér Ilona (S)
Túróc (S)
Tusnád (S)
Ulmer Münster (S)
Vak Bottyán Emléke (S)
Vanity (S)
Vegesacker Charme (S)
VELheawvi (S)
VELpagered (S)
VELsibered (S)
VELsibewes (S)
Violacea (S)
Virág Benedek Emléke (S)
Vogelpark Walsrode (S)
Waldfee (S)
Weisse Wolke (S)
Westerland (S)
William Morris (S)
William Shakespeare (S)
William Shakespeare 2000 (S)
Yellow Romantica (S)
Young Lycidas (S)
Zarja Mičurina (S)